Creating Viral Content: What Makes a YouTube Video Go Viral?

Creating Viral Content: What Makes a YouTube Video Go Viral?

Regarded as one of the most effective advertising strategies of the modern era, producing a viral video can quickly transform the identity and greatly increase the Internet popularity of brands. Thus, the strength of viral content is not only in the fact that it can reach a huge number of people in a short period of time, but also in its ability to actively attract users and provoke a strong discussion on the Internet.

This article will delve into the core elements that make a video go viral, including critical strategies for maximizing user engagement and leveraging hashtags effectively. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to craft viral videos that not only captivate your target audience but also enhance your brand’s online visibility significantly.

What is a Viral Video?

Viral videos are any online clips, short- or long-form, that achieve sudden and widespread popularity on global platforms. These videos exhibit three major characteristics:

Widespread Sharing

Viral videos are rapid-fire shared across various online platforms, including social media, email, messaging apps, and more. The sharing happens at an exponential rate, with each share leading to multiple new viewers.

Rapid Engagement

You get to know whether a video has gone viral or not from its viewers. This is usually in the form of likes, comments, shares or online discussions. Viral videos can use emotions to also capture the attention of its audience quickly and unforgettably even if it is for a moment.

Extensive Reach

Just from the word “viral,” viral videos have the potential to reach a large number of people. These people can come from different geographic regions, races, or even cultures.

Viral videos can tap into deep human emotions irrespective of the kind of content that is vital, be it humor, heartwarming stories, or moments of human connection. 

Social media giants like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have a hand on viral videos that tend to have a lasting cultural power.

Elements That Make a Video Go Viral

Let’s find out some of the key aspects that you need to know if you want to make that video go viral;

Emotional Appeal

When producing a video with the ambition of going viral, emotional appeal is a period in the contest. For creating such content, you can base emotions like joy, laughter, sadness, and many others. These and other types of videos are likely to sink into the viewer’s emotional cords and are, therefore, more likely to be shared.

Similarly, viewers digest videos that are intentionally created based on the above emotion, making the viewer relate to them on a richer level and among themselves. Therefore, content shared is something that has an emotional impact, and hence, the content shared will keep on going up. This is their way of finding and spreading those kinds of feelings to their friends.


The audience seeks out videos that are based on their lived experiences, belief systems, or dreams. Particularly, when creating videos that possess such relatability, people tend to adopt a sense of belonging and identity which subsequently enhances engagement and sharing of the content. This bond is forged because humans make it a point to seek those who are similar to them. There is an increase in the chances of those videos instructions resonating with the audience because universal experiences and cultural references are used which therefore increases the chances of the video going viral.


A video cannot go viral if it cannot be shared across communities. This is why you should insert features like social media integration or call-to-action that encourage viewers to share your videos, making them go viral. You can also make use of appropriate hashtags for trending topics or challenges, which would expose your video to more audiences. Doing this will increase your video’s chances of being shared to a wide audience and achieving viral status.

Strategies for Making Your YouTube Videos Go Viral

To make your YouTube videos go viral, you must focus on creating compelling content. You can take advantage of SEO and social media to achieve this.

Creating Compelling Content

The use of strong emotions in your videos can’t be overstated. Examples of videos that can bring out human feelings in videos are laughing videos, inspiring videos, and astounding videos. You can also use storytelling techniques like conflict, resolution, and character development. This important benefit can help you build compelling storylines that will keep your target audience engrossed in your stories.

Viewers can also be made active, and interactions and shares enhanced by the use of polls, quizzes, and other forms of contests. Further, engage in other content types, such as vlogs, skits, and reaction videos, among others, to ensure that your audience is still interested in the content throughout the day.

Leveraging Social Media

Regarding promoting viral videos, the information concerning a deep comprehension of social media is ageless. Create content that can easily be shared by utilizing social sharing buttons, a call to action, and any other feature that may engage the viewer or the reader in taking action on the video or its descriptions. Generate curiosity, initiate retaining discussions, or stunning videos to lure viewers into sharing the content with all their networks.

Responding to the audience’s comments, appreciating their feedback, and creating a community around your brand. This enables you to be more impactful and share the creators or influencers in that niche’s audience.

Optimizing for SEO

Making it easy for users to find YouTube videos is vital due to its nature as a search engine. Use keyword tools and other approaches to choose the appropriate keywords, then use these keywords within your video tags, descriptions, and titles. This way, YouTube evaluates the nature of the videos you upload and presents them to suitable consumers.

Ensure that all information concerning the video is succinct and brief and accurately reflects the content of the video, which should make a viewer want to click on it. It is also important to engage the users by leaving comments and answering them, as it can contribute positively to the video’s ranking.

Stay informed about current trends, events, and conversations within your niche, and create content around your audience’s interests. Perfect timeliness and relevant content will act as a boost to gaining traction and going viral.

By focusing on these strategies, you can increase the chances of your YouTube videos reaching a wider audience and generating engagement.

Tips from Successful Viral Videos

Here are some recommendations drawn from successful viral videos that might help boost the virality of your content on YouTube:

Grab Attention with Thumbnails and Titles

Viewers have to be won over by thumbnails and titles since they are the first impression and the only chance the creator has to get the viewer to press play. Utilize thumbnails that present a tease or a gregarious moment in the video. Research thumbnail images and title designs in viral videos and see how those features generated interest in the story.

Interesting Content from the Beginning

The first one or two minutes are very important because the audience will choose to stay or go within that time. The goal is to get their interest right away within a few seconds so that they don’t move to another video on the first page. Observe the strong opening of the videos and note the methods employed, including but not limited to jump cuts and montages or even provoking questions.

Use storytelling and Emotion

There are emotionally charged narratives, for example, humor, pity, and other emotions, that will guarantee that the video will be shared by others. Study emotionally engaging viral videos and identify the story elements that aided virility, including character, conflict, and resolution.

Optimal Video Length and Viewer Retention

It is highly important to ascertain what the ideal video length is for people to watch the whole video. Look in detail to find ways in which creators are able to add value to the video without losing the audience. Look closely into videos with high engagement and what pacing and content strategy were utilized to ensure the content retained viewers.

Community Interaction and Call to Action

Responding to audience comments, adopting audience ideas, and promoting community around the channel through creating fans can be beneficial as regards retaining the audience’s attention. Research on creators who are effective in audience engagement and have effective calls to action where they make the audiences like, share the content, or subscribe.

By following these few recommendations, coming from successful viral episodes, there are great chances of glory for your YouTube video to belong to the trending category of videos, provide interactions to the viewers, and simultaneously go viral.


Whatever it is, whether it is to increase brand visibility, increase user activity, or spread a message that resonates with millions of people, it has been evident that the key ingredient that determines the success of viral videos is their emotional connection with the viewer’s life experiences. Given this information, there’s one more thing we’d like to say to creators: gentlemen, keep looking, keep creating, keep connecting with the community, it’s only a matter of time until you find the next viral hit.

Picture of Olaoluwa Malachi

Olaoluwa Malachi

Picture of Olaoluwa Malachi

Olaoluwa Malachi

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